

The Lordship of the Manor of West Bromwich

Manorial Title in West Bromwich

Guide price*


Plus fees

Sold for £28,500

Lot information

Lot 4
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Auction details:

Thursday 14th September 2023 @ 09:00AM

An opportunity to acquire an historic Manorial Title in West Bromwich

Property Description

An opportunity to acquire this genuine English Feudal Title dating back to before the Norman Conquest in 1066 bringing with it the right for the purchaser to style himself/herself the Lord or Lady of the Manor of West Bromwich. England is almost unique in the world in still having legally valid Lordship titles which can be bought and sold. The feudal system which such titles represent dates back over 1,000 years to the Saxon period and continued throughout the Middle Ages and up to the present day and, even though the law was modernised in 1922, such titles and many of the privileges they bring were preserved. As well as having the title of Lord or Lady, which may be recorded on the holder’s passport, the ownership of a Manorial Lordship may in certain cases bring with it enforceable rights including the right to claim what is known as the Waste of the Manor (land not claimed by others) and rights to mines and minerals and sporting or fishing rights. The Manor of West Bromwich came into existence in Saxon times and at the time of the Doomsday Book in 1086 was held by William Fitz Ansculf, the Lord of Dudley. The Lords of Dudley continued to hold the Manor of West Bromwich until 1322 and by the 15th century it was held by the Vernon family and then by the Shelton and Jervoise families until it was bought by the 4th Earl of Dartmouth in 1823. The Manor then remained in the hands of the Earls of Dartmouth until 1998 when it was sold by the present Earl to the current owner. The title is held freehold and without encumbrances.

Auctioneer's Note

Please note that a member of Bond Wolfe has a vested interest in the Title.
Please note offers may be considered prior to the Auction Sale.

Additional Information

A tiny settlement in the West Bromwich area by the 8th century was established. The area was known as ‘Bromwic’ meaning a settlement in the broom. The open heathland in the area must have been covered in broom.
West Bromwich was first mentioned as Bromwic ('broom village') in the Domesday Book of 1086. It is believed that it may have originally been part of the Handsworth parish. A Benedictine priory existed in West Bromwich from the 12th century around which the settlement of Broomwich Heath grew. In 1727, the town became a stop on the coaching road between London and Shrewsbury and the beginning of its growth dates from this time. The prefix 'West' serves to distinguish it from the village of Castle Bromwich, around 8 miles (13 km) to the east on the other side of Birmingham.

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