Traditional values, modern solutions

Do you have a property to sell or let?

Property bargain galore are to be found in Bond Wolfe Auctions’ remote bidding auction on Wednesday 29 July.

Competition among bidders is expected to be fierce for lots like 34 Oakfield Road in the Wordsley area of Stourbridge in the West Midlands.

This is a vacant freehold semi-detached property, currently with three bedrooms but which may have the potential for development to the side, subject to planning permission. It stands on a corner plot behind a driveway and foregarden and has a bargain guide price* of £25,000+.

The auctioneers will not be considering offers made before the day, so you have to be in it to win it and need to make sure you are registered to bid at

34 Oakfield Road has UPVC double glazing and is ripe for further improvement. You can see more HERE

The auction on Wednesday 29 July starts at the earlier time of 9am, to accommodate the large catalogue being offered on the day and will be livestreamed via Bond Wolfe Auctions’ website with remote bidding by proxy, telephone or internet only.

Anyone interested in the auctions or with properties for sale in future auctions should contact [email protected], or call 0121 312 1212.

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